Astrology is a field of study that examines the influence of celestial bodies on human life. It also explores the relationship between important celestial moments and social groups. There are three primary subdivisions of genethlialogy: natal astrology, mundane astrology, and electional astrology.
Scientific explanations of astrology
Scientists have put astrology through the wringer since the 1950s, and the results have been devastating for the practice. Proponents of astrology claim that heavenly bodies cause events on Earth, and that no known force can account for this effect. This is not necessarily true, but it doesn’t make astrology any less plausible.
Astrology originated in ancient Babylon, where it was based on the observation of the motion of the planets. In the first century CE, it was Greekized and became more sophisticated, with horoscopes based on plotting the positions of the Sun, Moon, and visible planets. Astrologers had complex rules to describe possible alignments of these celestial bodies and used them to predict a king’s fate.
Influence of celestial bodies on human life
In astrology, the position of celestial bodies in the sky can influence human life in various ways. For example, a planet’s position in a constellation can influence your personality and the weather in your area. A planet’s position in a sign can also affect a person’s health.
Astrologers have always studied celestial bodies and how their positions impact people’s lives. While it is impossible to accurately predict the positions of the heavenly bodies for practical purposes, astrologers can use astronomical charts and mathematical models to determine their exact positions. As a result, a person’s horoscope may be interpreted differently by different astrologers.
Appeal of horoscopes
The appeal of horoscopes in astronomy goes back to ancient times, and astrology has its roots in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and China. The first horoscopes were published in newspapers, and then they soon made their way to magazines. Online, horoscopes have become popular too. A popular women’s website, iVillage, even has a drop-down menu for checking your horoscope. Today, more women believe in astrology than men. This gap is even larger in countries like the UK and Canada.
The appeal of horoscopes in astronomy is most likely to exist when a person feels that the interpretations were done especially for them. For instance, when a French statistician sent a detailed astrological profile of a mass killer to 150 people, he found that 94 percent of them recognised themselves in the description.
Complexity of horoscopes
There are various kinds of horoscopes, but most people are only familiar with sun-sign astrology, which is based on the date of birth and one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac. Sun-sign astrology is the most basic form of astrology, and it produces limited results. On the other hand, the Moon-sign horoscope can be quite detailed and reveal more about your personality and deeper needs.
In astrology, the zodiac signs are classified according to their elements and qualities, and can be further broken down into quadruplicities (or “modalities”). The first two are the fire and water elements. Fire signs are impulsive and ambitious, while water signs are more passive and sensitive to others’ opinion.