Astrology is a popular practice among many young people, whether they believe in it or not. In the age of the internet, astrology has become a cultural meme, with horoscopes and astrological predictions garnering hundreds of thousands of followers. This phenomenon has spawned numerous daily, weekly, and monthly horoscopes published by online publications.
A horoscope is an astrological chart that depicts the positions of planets and their sensitive angles. The word horoscope is derived from Greek words meaning “observer” and “time.”
Zodiac signs
The twelve signs of the zodiac in astrology represent sectors of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The signs are enumerated from the First Point of Aries, which is the vernal equinox. Each sign has a characteristic character, such as being more active or more cautious during certain times of the year.
North and South nodes
North and South nodes in astrology are subtle aspects of your personality that influence your life in subtle ways. They are associated with your desires, your values, and your sense of self. They are not as obvious as your sun sign, but they can help you understand what’s important in your life and how to achieve it.
Priscillianists’ interpretation of astrology
The Priscillianists are Christian followers of a 4th century ascetic who believed that the stars make manifest God’s will. They attributed astrology’s cyclic nature to divine intervention and defined the stars’ climacterics as times of danger.
Symbolism attached to astronomical constellations
Astronomical constellations have symbolic meaning. They can represent different aspects of the human life, such as nature or religion. Symbolism attached to astronomical constellations varies from region to region. Some constellations are easily visible while others can only be seen at certain times of the year.
The term “precession” in astrology refers to the movement of the stars along the ecliptic. The zodiac is a zone eight to ten degrees north of the ecliptic and the same amount south of the ecliptic. The planets in our solar system orbit within this zone. All the planets except Pluto, which has been classified as a dwarf planet, are part of this zone. This zone is divided into 12 equal parts, each 30 longitudinal degrees long. This creates the twelve zodiac signs, or astrological signs.
Methods of interpreting horoscopes
In astrology, there are several methods for interpreting horoscopes. One method is to use ephemeris tables, which list the position of the planets and fixed stars relative to the northern hemisphere vernal equinox. Then, subtract the difference between the time and place of birth from the time of birth, and you have your horoscope.