Are Shrooms Legal in Canada?

Psilocybin mushrooms, or magic mushrooms, contain a psychedelic compound known as psilocin that has hallucinogenic properties. They are classified as a Schedule III drug under Canada’s Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA), making them illegal to possess unless you have a special permit from Health Canada. Possession of magic mushrooms can result in a criminal charge and fine depending on the amount you have.

How do mushrooms reproduce?

While illegal are shrooms legal in Canada? stores are popping up across the country, experts say they’re unlikely to radically advance the acceptance of the hallucinogenic fungi by police or public opinion. “What I’m worried about is that these new stores are going to make it more difficult to bring psilocybin into the mainstream,” said McGill University law professor Daniel Weinstock.

Weinstock explains that the road to legalizing psilocybin is likely to follow similar steps as cannabis, with widespread medical application and social acceptability before recreational use is allowed. He also noted that a private company could seek approval under Section 56 of the CDSA, which exempts doctors, therapists and those with life-threatening afflictions from the rules limiting access to psilocybin and other drugs for therapeutic purposes.

A Montreal therapist has already filed an application with Health Canada to treat cancer patients’ end-of-life anxiety using psilocybin. If he is denied, he plans to challenge the decision in court by arguing that prohibiting medical access to psilocybin violates Canadians’ right to life and liberty, an argument that successfully convinced judges to allow legal access to cannabis.

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